Creative Flow Through Meditation

I spoke about creative flow in an earlier post this month (April 10th) and I want to continue with that thought.

Another source of creative flow is through meditation. It’s calming all thoughts and being free of them, breathing deeply and letting everything go. It’s like freely falling, flying into the wind, being outside of myself and allowing my energy to carry me.

My energy opens up (chakras) and I’m somewhere else. I’m at peace. The things that happen are beyond what words can rightfully describe and yet, here I am a writer trying to articulate what I mean.

I see clear blue, light in color, with a heart of deeper blue towards the center, with outer fringes of white. I compare it to seeing an image of a glacier.

What I saw and felt made me feel peace, and with that it opened my energy channels for things to come to me, and for me to seek what else there is.

There has been nothing like it thus far in my life experience.

I encourage those to meditate, to try, and seek the energy that will pour out for you.

You will be amazed at what it does.

Meditation will inspire you to write (even if you’re not a writer), to be freer and happier, to do better, and will bring so much to your inner being, you will always want to return.
