Websites for Storytellers

If you’re like me, you have found many websites out there not worth the time, but have also found sites that are really worth the read.

Here are a few suggestions:

Jane Friedman, Writing, reading and publishing in the digital age,  she’s in the industry, and gives free advice to writers on her website. If you don’t know who she is, you should. She’s received the Writer’s Digest award for best writing website from 2007-2014.

Jordan Rosenfeld, practice, polish, persist, this woman has flare. I first discovered her through another person’s post, and she’s got me hooked. I want to hear her voice regularly and look forward to her novels.

Joe Bunting, The Write Practice, talks about all things writing, from writing prompts to query letters, and includes many guest bloggers. He is currently writing in Paris and offers variety through his guest blogs.

Leigh Sprague, Prison Blog: Diary of a Wimpy Con, is about his story. He talks about life, the mistakes people make, the judgments, and the prison system. If you’re a writer, or even if you’re not, I think you’ll enjoy reading his posts.

What are your favorites? Let me know!