Pantser or Organized?

I have a foot in both worlds; there’s the part of me that’s a pantser (writing without a plan) and the other that’s an organizer (using an outline).

I have noticed that when I plan, writing the story can be easier to achieve; however, it doesn’t always work. Something is missing or something is off. I take a step back.

When my writing doesn’t feel right, this is a sign to me that the story I’m creating isn’t working.

I get very unsettled, so I let go of the planned way and let the pantser out.

The pantser writes by the guidance of feeling; if and when things feel right in bringing the piece to a ripened climax.

What I find is that my point of view changes in the pantser process, and that’s all that is needed:

A change in point of view

Which am I: a pantser or an organizer?

That depends on what I’m writing.

Sometimes I can see the story clearly and the organizer is there, but more often than not, the pantser is more than ready to take over and enjoy the ride.

Which one are you, a pantser or an organizer?