You Tube and WIGS

You Tube just launched paid channels on its website.

You may ask what does this have to do with writing?


It’s showing how our viewing pleasure is diverging; how TV and Video are crossing paths and how one is impacting the other.

The changing world is directly affecting my craft, so I need to be privy to those deviations and to incorporate them into my written world.

Considering that 5 million households don’t have cable according to Nielsen research and that ipads, iphones and tablets are on the rise, this will continue to change the written space as we know it.

This is why mastering the short story has importance.

Shorter segments of You Tube videos that are written scripts, like the shows on WIGS, means the scripts are shorter than a TV script or full length screenplay.

This allows the short story to shine in episodic pieces that wouldn’t necessarily be written if the end product was a TV show or movie.

These short viewing segments draw you in to continue watching the 6, 7 or 8 minutes of viewing pleasure and before you know it, you’re hooked.

The short story of yesterday just changed to a short story of today: well-crafted segments made to be savored in small portions that our vast and hand-held technology can handle.