Steve Crohn Dies

I would like to take this time to say how sad I am over the death of Steve Crohn.

For those of you who don’t know who he is, he was one of the earliest survivors of AIDS. It was from studying Steve Crohn that doctors learned of the delta 32, or CCR5, mutation. This mutation is a genetic defect that doesn’t allow the virus to enter the body.

I’m working on a book about AIDS and technology and had planned to interview Mr. Crohn.

I never got the chance to even request an interview and speak to him firsthand, having spent my time in the preliminary stages of the book.

If you’d like to know more about AIDS and how studying Steve Crohn changed our understanding of the disease, listen to this excerpt from NOVA.

I wish I had gotten to know the man as I feel he had a lot more to say and give, as well as receive.

My deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends.

NY Times reports “Stephen Crohn, Who Furthered AIDS Study, Dies at 66.”