August 31, 2012March 23, 2022What's going on Friendship The meaning of friends, those that come and go, those you wish you had kept in touch with and held, and those […]
July 15, 2012March 23, 2022What's going on National Ice Cream Month This is something I had to blog about: National Ice Cream Month. The year was 1984. Headlines for that year were about […]
June 24, 2012March 23, 2022What's going on Cycling and Writing When I’ve gathered information for a particular story I’m working on, I process that information by incorporating another love of mine: cycling. […]
May 7, 2012March 23, 2022What's going on Intuition Last week I posted on my blog about gut feelings and how those feelings can shape what we chose to do. Continuing […]
April 30, 2012March 23, 2022What's going on Following Your Gut Have you ever heard a writer say: “The book wrote itself.” There is truth to those words. What the writer means is […]
April 12, 2012March 23, 2022What's going on Literary Rejection A writer must be multi-faceted in the changing publishing market. It takes more than writing talent. It takes personality, marketing skills, vision, […]
March 31, 2012March 23, 2022What's going on Jelly Bucket “Guilt’s dusty aftertaste on my tongue” is from Max Gray’s story, “No Stranger,” in the most recent issue of the literary journal […]
February 16, 2012March 23, 2022What's going on Character Building Music revitalizes me. It helps me to clarify thoughts with what I call emotional pulling. Emotional pulling has the ability to move […]
January 26, 2012March 23, 2022What's going on The Left Brain How to manage writing and life is a difficult question for most writers to answer. I’m speaking of writers who still work […]
December 31, 2011March 23, 2022What's going on End of the Year Adieu I’m ending the year with recent feedback I received from one of the literary magazines I’ve been regularly submitting to. They opened […]